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Undet tools | CAD General workspace

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A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

All Undet tools can be found in a dedicated Ribbon menu called Undet, which splits into several logical tabs.

Point Cloud Project Management

Allows you to open an existing point cloud project.
Opens the Undet Indexer to create a new point cloud project.
Closes the current point cloud project.
Opens the Coordinate System Manager for moving/rotating and scaling point cloud.
The Point Cloud Scale function in Undet for ARES is designed to adjust the unit scale of point clouds, such as converting measurements between inches, millimeters, meters, or other units. This is particularly useful when the point cloud data and the ARES drawing use different units of measurement.

This tool is essential for users who work with point cloud data in different measurement units, ensuring consistent and accurate scaling within the ARES environment.

Opens the Scan Data toolbox.

Scan data toolbox | Scan data section UI

Add – creates a new scan position group.
Remove – remove/ungroup selected scan position group.
Entire project – groups scans of the full project (internal and external) by selecting internal scan position markers.
Inside Only – groups internal scans of the project by selecting internal scan position markers.
BB size – Allows you to resize the scan position marker size (sphere).
Steps to group scan positions:

  1. Make scan position markers visible by ticking BB in the Scan Data toolbox.
  2. Select Full project or Inside only grouping.
  3. Select all scan station markers for grouping.

A map of a city Description automatically generated

After selecting all scan station markers, click ENTER twice to confirm the selection.

Pick a step-in scan height to group selected scan files into logical groups (external, Internal level 1, Internal level 2….) and press ENTER. After this, your scan stations will be grouped into logical groups.

Scan data toolbox | Clipping Boxes UI

Right-click on Active View Section Actions:


Duplicate Allows you to create a copy of the selected clipping box.
Export Enables exporting the point cloud data visible within the boundaries of the selected clipping box as a new Undet project.
Rename Allows you to change the name of a view section.

Z Offset:

Adjusts the clipping box along the Z-axis

1. Offset from 0 to center of clipping box 2. Offset Step 3. Up/Down to change offset value (1) by step (2)


Side tools of Scan Data toolbox:

Clip by Line Creates a new clipping box defined by line and thickness:

Optional inputs:

T – Thickness: Choose thickness (default – 1 meter)

U – UCS: Create a new UCS based on your clipping box.

V – View: Create a new view based on your clipping box.

A – UCS and View: Create a new UCS and view based on your clipping box.

Clip by Rectangle Creates a new clipping box defined by a rectangle.
Clip inside / outside Defines polygon selection to clip the points inside or outside the selected area.
Deactivate Deactives point cloud clipping.
Colouring by Changes point cloud colouring mode.

(more details in the colouring section)

Colouring Settings Opens additional point cloud colouring settings.

(more details in the colouring section)

Density Settings Opens Point Cloud density settings manager.
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated Point Cloud Density Settings:

Threshold for Loading Full Density: The range is typically 12-48 million points. For powerful computers, you can increase this range to 48-72+ million points.

Maximum Visible Preview Point Count: A minimum of 16 million points is recommended, with an optimal range of 16-36+ million points.

Project Point Resolution Information: In the properties section, you can check the loaded project’s preview and full-resolution points count.

Hide/Show Hides or shows the point cloud.
Clipping Box Visibility Toggles the visibility of the clipping box boundary on or off.
Grips Adjusts the orientation of clipping box grips.
Delete Removes the selected view section or clipping box.

Bottom tools of Scan Data toolbox | Smart Indicator and point cloud snapping modes

Clip in Clip Enables the creation of a new clipping box within an existing clipping box.
Snap to Point Cloud Enables/Disables snapping to point cloud points.
Snapping Options: N – Snaps to Nearest point

H – Snaps to the Highest point Z value

L – Snaps to the Lowest point Z value

Search radius for finding the highest or lowest point.
Smart Indicator Helps you understand which source you are using:
You see only preview points according to your settings for “Max visible preview point count.”
If fewer points are inside your clipping box (view section) than the “Threshold to load full density” value, you will see this colour.
You will see the yellow colour only when you have an active point cloud clipping and the “Max visible preview point count” value is equal to or higher than the “Preview point count” value of the entire project.

Scan data toolbox | Logic Classes UI

UNDET Logic Classes Tab you can create, edit and assign Logic Classes into different groups, classify View Sections or parts of View Sections by Logic Classes.
Usually if Your project is created from terrestrial laser scanner data it will not have any logical classes created. But if Your project will be created with mobile or LiDAR scanners it might have Logical Classes classified. Undet will recognize them and You will be able to manage them directly from Logical Classes tab.

[Add Class] – Creates new empty Logic Class
[Remove] – Removes selected Group from the List.  Program removes only Group, but not Data Files, assigned to it. After deleting Group, Data Files remain in the List.
[Classify] – Moves active View Section points to defined Logic Class. You can create new Logic Class or choose existing one from the launched dialog list.
[Merge] – Merges selected Logic Classes to the first Class of selected items. Select several Logic Classes with Shift button and merge them into one Logic Class.


Right-click menu

Add Group Creates a new group or merges selected Logical Classes to new group.
Quick tip: You can select multiple files at once by holding Ctrl or Shift button.
Rename Rename any Logic Class in the List
Remove Removes selected Group from the List.  Program removes only Group, but not Data Files, assigned to it. After deleting Group, Data Files remain in the List.
New Class Creates new empty Logic Class
Merge Selected Classes Merges selected Logic Classes to the first Class of selected items. Select several Logic Classes with Shift button and merge them into one Logic Class.
Move Section Moves and changes selected record position inside the Group on the Logical Classes List.


Logic Classes List shows and helps to manage all created Logic Classes.

  • To create New Class in the List right click on any created Logic Class and choose New Class command from the context menu.
  • To move Active View Section or cropped part of Active View Section to specified Logic Class right click on selected Logic Class and choose Classify command from the context menu.
  • To assign created Logic Classes into Group select Classes you want to assign (use Shift or Ctrl buttons to select multiple Classes) and choose Add Group command from the context menu.
  • To rename any Logic Class in the List double click on its name or right click on it, choose Rename command from the context menu and type the new name.
  • To remove any Logic Class from the List right click on it and choose Remove command from the context menu.
  • Check Tick-Mark in column next to corresponding Logic Class’ name if you want this Class to be visible in the drawing.


Clipping Box TAB

Clip by Line Creates a new clipping box defined by line and thickness:

Optional Inputs from the command line.

Optional Inputs from the command line:

T – Thickness: Choose thickness (default – 1 meter).

U – UCS: Create a new UCS based on your clipping box.

V – View: Create a new view based on your clipping box.

A – UCS and View: Create a new UCS and view based on your clipping box.

A screenshot of a computer program Description automatically generated

Clip by Rectangle Creates a new clipping box defined by a rectangle.
A screenshot of a video game Description automatically generated
A black rectangular sign with white text Description automatically generated Clip inside Defines polygon selection to clip the points inside of the selected area.
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
A black rectangular sign with white text Description automatically generated Clip outside Defines polygon selection to clip the points outside of the selected area.
Deactivate Deactivates active point cloud clipping to see the entire point cloud.
Clipping Box visibility Toggles the visibility of the clipping box boundary on or off.
Grips Changes the orientation of clipping box grips. Shortcut: (Ctrl + Shift + 1)

Colouring TAB

Colouring by… – options:
RGB Colours the point cloud based on RGB (true colours).
Intensity Colours the point cloud based on Intensity.
Greyscale Colors the point cloud in Black & White.
Height Colours the point cloud based on Height (Z value).
Plane Colours the point cloud based on Selected Plane (plane can be chosen in settings).
Faces Colours the point cloud based on the Distance from modelled 3D faces.
Settings –

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Point size slider Adjusts the size of points.
Transparency slider Adjusts the transparency of the point cloud.
Shading Utilizes colours from the colouring palette in shading (colour count/percents of the palette used)
1 color / 1%

A computer screen shot of a car Description automatically generated

4 color / 50%

A computer screen shot of a car Description automatically generated

Color Palette Allows you to select a colouring palette for the best visibility/results.
Auto Contrast Automatically finds the best contrast option.
Plane Settings (used with colouring by plane)
Choose plane Select a plane by mouse click.
Flip plane Reverse colouring by selected plane.
Slider Adjusts the percentage of the visible view coloured from the plane.
Fixed-size Determines the distance of colour changes (if the Fixed Size box is unchecked, you can use shading settings).
Comparison settings (used with colouring by faces)
Comparison Distance Colours areas within the chosen tolerance in green from the 3D model.
Comparison Buffer Specifies the maximum distance to be coloured from the model.
In this example, everything within a 30mm radius is coloured in green, while everything between 30-200mm is coloured in red as defined in settings.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Density TAB

High Performance Activates the best performance density settings.

Density Settings: Preview point density set to 50%.

High Visibility Activates the best visibility density settings.

Density Settings: Preview point density set to 100%.

Hide/Show Toggles the visibility of the point cloud on and off.
Density Settings:
Threshold to Load Full Density Typically set between 12-48 million points. For powerful computers, this can be increased to 48-64+ million points.
Maximum Visible Preview Point Count The minimum is set to 16 million points, with a recommended range of 16-36+ million points.
How to Determine Suitable Settings for Your Hardware:

It’s straightforward. The fundamental principle with Undet is to keep the point cloud light. If ARES lags during view rotation, zooming, or panning, it indicates that too many point cloud points have been loaded.

Undet File Structure: Undet utilizes a dual file structure—preview points and full-resolution points. Preview point density and full-resolution point count are managed separately.


Preview points Grid: This can be set when creating a point cloud project in Undet Indexer.

image002 In the properties, you can verify the loaded project’s preview and full-resolution points count.

Draw TAB

Ares Commander offers a range of primary and commonly used drawing and editing tools. You can find more detailed information and tutorials on how to use them at Graebert Help Center (https://help.graebert.com/en/).

Line Tool Draws straight line segments between two defined points.
Poly-line Tool Creates complex shapes with multiple connected line segments, offering high editability and versatility in CAD design.
Rectangle Tool Constructs four-sided polygons with opposite sides equal in length and perpendicular angles, commonly used for representing objects and boundaries in CAD drawings.
Circle Tool Creates perfectly round shapes with a defined radius or diameter, often used to represent curves, holes, or circular objects in CAD drawings.
Arc Tool Generates curved segments of circles or ellipses, allowing users to create arcs and curved shapes in CAD drawings.
Ellipse Tool Constructs elongated or flattened oval shapes representing ellipses, ovals, or elliptical features in CAD drawings.
Multiple Points Tool Allows users to place multiple individual points at specified locations within a CAD drawing, which can be helpful for various purposes, such as marking coordinates or creating custom patterns.
Region Tool Defines enclosed areas or regions within a CAD drawing, often used for hatching, shading, or highlighting specific sections.
Perpendicular Tool A utility that helps users create lines or objects perpendicular to existing lines or objects in the drawing, ensuring precise alignment and angles.
Hatch Tool Fills enclosed areas or regions in a CAD drawing with patterns, colours, or textures, enhancing visual representation and distinguishing various elements in the design.
2D Solid Tool Allows users to create filled, two-dimensional shapes with defined boundaries, representing solid objects or areas in CAD drawings.
Parallel Aligns the second specified entity to the first chosen entity.
Polyline aligned Creates a 2D polyline aligned to the selected object. (Undet tool)

Modify TAB

The Modify Tab in ARES Commander provides various tools to manipulate and modify objects within your drawings. Below is a list of these tools and brief descriptions of their functions. For detailed information and tutorials on using these tools, visit the Graebert Help Center (https://help.graebert.com/en/).

Copy Duplicates selected objects and places them in the drawing, allowing for easy replication of elements.
Power Trim Trims and extends lines and curves interactively by dragging the cursor across the portions to be modified.
Fillet Rounds off the corners of selected objects, creating smooth transitions between lines or curves.
Pattern Replicates objects in a specified pattern, offering control over the arrangement and distribution of copies.
Offset Creates parallel copies of selected objects at a specified distance, which helps generate concentric shapes.
Weld Joins multiple selected lines, arcs, or polylines into a single entity, simplifying complex shapes.
Delete Removes selected objects from the drawing, allowing for efficient cleanup and removal of unwanted elements.
Explore Breaks down complex objects, such as blocks or polylines, into their components for further editing.
Edit Polyline Enables editing of 2D polylines, allowing for adding, deleting, or modifying vertices and segments.

These Modify Tab tools provide essential functionality for editing and refining your drawings in ARES Commander.

CCS and View Control TAB

The CCS and View Control TAB in ARES Commander provide tools to control the Coordinate Control System (CCS) and effectively manage your model space views. Below is a list of the tools available in this TAB, along with their descriptions:

World CCS Displays world coordinate system plan view.
CCS, View Creates a new coordinate system by your screen view.
CCS Sets, saves and restores custom coordinate system.
Point Cloud Orbit Rotates point cloud by snapping orbit to selected point cloud point.
View and CCS by line. Rotates and creates a new CCS and view by drawing the line.
View by line Rotates view by drawing the line.
Back view Rotates to back view by active UCS.
Left view Rotates to left view by active UCS.
Front view Rotates to front view by active UCS.
Right view Rotates to the right view by active UCS.
Top view Rotates to top view by active UCS.
ViewTiles Set multiple view ports.
Shadeview Sets display style (2D, 3D wireframe….).
CCS Combo Control Activates selected UCS (WCS or user-created).
Note: To save a UCS (User Coordinate System), use the ‘CSSTYLE’ command CS or the Axis Manager button in the Floor Plans (UNDET) workspace.

You can also control the view using the View Navigator, typically located in the top-right corner of the screen by default.

A screenshot of a video game Description automatically generated A screenshot of a video game Description automatically generated

Layers TAB

The Layer Visibility and Management Tools in ARES Commander offer comprehensive control over the layers within your drawing. These tools help you manage, display, and organize layers efficiently.

Icon Tool Name Description
Show All Layers Activates the tool to display all layers in the drawing, making objects on all layers visible.
Hide Layers Activates the tool to hide selected layers in the drawing, making objects on those layers invisible.
Layers Manager Opens the Layers Manager, providing a central hub for managing layer properties, settings, and organization.
Freeze Layers Activates the tool to freeze selected layers, preventing objects on those layers from being displayed or edited.
Thaw All Layers Activates the tool to thaw all frozen layers in the drawing, allowing objects on those layers to be visible again.
Layer Preview Opens the Layer Preview window, enabling you to preview the content of individual layers before making them visible.
Lock Layer Activates the tool to lock selected layers, preventing any object changes on those layers.
Unlock Layer Activates the tool to unlock previously locked layers, allowing you to modify objects on those layers.
Layer States Manager Opens the Layer States Manager, allowing you to save, load, and manage different layer states for your drawings.
Isolate Layer Activates the tool to isolate selected layers, making only the objects on those layers visible and others hidden.
Unisolate Layer Activates the tool to unisolate previously isolated layers, restoring the visibility of all layers.
Activate Layer Activates the tool to select and activate a specific layer, making it the current working layer for new objects.
A screen shot of a computer Description automatically generated Dropdown Layer Manager menu

Provides access to a dropdown menu with additional layer management options, enhancing layer organization.

These Layer Tools provide essential functionality for managing and organizing layers in ARES Commander, helping you maintain a structured and efficient drawing environment.

For more detailed information and tutorials on using these tools, refer to the Graebert Help Center.

Feature Extraction Tab

Icon Tool Name Description
Auto Line Tool Automatically detects and extracts linear features from your CAD drawings, improving workflow efficiency.
The tool automatically recognizes wall lines from 3D point cloud scans with a single click. Subsequent clicks allow you to create a continuous polyline effortlessly.
A computer screen shot of a map Description automatically generated
A computer screen shot of a blueprint Description automatically generated
Advanced Options

In cases where there are insufficient points for automatic recognition, the tool offers advanced options to prevent workflow interruptions.

Ortho Mode

Enabling Ortho Mode in the advanced settings permits you to add line segments perpendicular to the previous line, ensuring precision in your drawings.

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically generated
A computer screen shot of a line Description automatically generated
Manual Mode

In Manual Mode, you can add the following line segment with just two clicks in any direction, accommodating various scenarios and drawing needs.

A computer screen shot of a blueprint Description automatically generated
A computer screen shot of a red line Description automatically generated
Icon Tool Name Description
3P Wall Creates wall with 3 points (2 points for length and third for width).
The 3P Wall tool allows users to create walls using three points: two points define the length, and the third point sets the width. In the command line, users can choose between Single mode to draw individual walls or Chain mode to create a series of connected walls seamlessly.
Feature Extraction Tab This tab provides various feature extraction tools to enhance your CAD drawing experience. These tools automatically recognize and extract specific features from point cloud data.
Corner Line Recognizes and draws a line on a corner by selecting two walls (SNAP point cloud nodes).


Fit Face Fits a solid face (choose by holding CTRL) to a point cloud object’s surface (e.g., a wall).
Feature Extraction Opens automatic feature extraction settings. Recognizes walls, ground, or other planes within point cloud data and creates a mesh based on selected parameters. You can edit these parameters after creating the mesh.
Automatic feature extraction settings IMG_256
Step size sliders The step size value should be 3-5x bigger than the point cloud density (distance between neighbouring points).

A Bigger step means a bigger distance between point cloud points for plane extraction. You can extract large planes (for example, walls, columns, and roof plane window frames) by selecting a bigger value.

A Smaller step means, a smaller distance between point cloud points for plane extraction. By selecting a small value, you can extract smaller planes (for example, windows frames and door frames).

IMG_256 Reset Resets step size to default.
Curvature Tolerance slider If the surface is bumpy or curvy, you will be able to create a detailed mesh and capture small bumps and curves by increasing tolerance.
Keep Vertical If a checkmark is placed, the extracted plane will stay in the vertical position.
IMG_256 Find Plane Select the initial point location to extract the plane.
IMG_256 Scale Extracted plane scale function.
IMG_256 Rotate Extracted plane rotate function.
IMG_256 Push/Pull Extracted plane press&pull function.
IMG_256 Convert to Mesh Finds and creates surface mesh according to the extracted plane. The command is inactive if no plane is selected.
Example: Plane Recognition settings
Poorly recognized plane (Step size 0.04 m) Well-recognized plane (Step size 0.06 m)
IMG_256 IMG_256
Example: Surface creation with small step size and different Curvature Tolerance.
(Step size 0.34 m)


(Step size 0.34 m)


IMG_256 IMG_256
The detailed ground mesh was created until the first bigger bump Detailed ground mesh was created in all areas
Example: Surface creation with a bigger step size. A Bigger step means a more decimated mesh without small bumps and curves.
(Step size 1.34 m)


(Step size 1.34 m) increased “Curve Tolerance.”


IMG_256 IMG_256
The detailed ground mesh was created until the first bigger bump Detailed ground mesh created in all areas
A ground surface mesh can be created from an unclassified point cloud.
Mesh Edit This section provides tools for editing and modifying meshes within your CAD drawings.
Mesh Faces Erase Erases created mesh faces.
Mesh Close Hole Closes a mesh hole by selecting the edge line of the hole (Only in Wireframe visual style).
Mesh Decimate It shows the mesh’s number of faces and allows you to reduce the number of faces (type a value from 0 to 1 (1=100%, 0.5=50%, 0.1=10%…. ).
Mesh Slice/Imprint Slice the mesh or imprint your drawn lines, rectangles, and other shapes into the mesh.
Mesh Slice Imprint functionality in the command line:

1. Projection plane selection

Select the projection plane from WCS (world coordinate system) or UCS (user coordinate system).

2. Action type selection

Select mesh action type:

Imprint – adjust mesh vertices (3D geometry) to a reference 3D line.

Slice – divide the selected mesh into separate meshes defined by the selected drawn object.

Projection – will generate a projection line on top of the mesh surface defined by the selected drawn object.

Projection- And slice- will generate a projection line on top of the mesh surface defined by the selected drawn object and will divide the selected mesh into separate meshes defined by the selected drawn object.

3. Mesh selection

Select the mesh to which actions will be applied.

4. Object selection

Select a drawn object which will be defined previously.

Creating a Mesh and Projecting Topographical Lines in Undet for ARES

1. Create the Mesh

  • Generate a mesh from your point cloud data. Ensure it is correctly aligned and visible.

2. Set the UCS View

  • Rotate the view and set the CCS View to align with the mesh surface.

3. Draw the Line at Fixed Values

  • Draw a reference line at whole-number coordinates (e.g., 12, 13) to avoid decimals.

4. Create Additional Lines with Array Command

  • Use the Array command to create multiple lines at the specified step interval.

6. Align the Lines to the Mesh

  • Adjust the lines to fit the mesh surface.

7. Explode Array to lines

8. Apply Mesh Slice/ImprintSlice Command

  • Use the Mesh Slice/ImprintSlice command with the Projection (P) option to project lines onto the mesh surface.

Example: Mesh decimation
Site mesh with all faces (100%) (face count: 200414) Site mesh with decimated faces (5%) (face count: 10020)
IMG_256 IMG_256
Example: Mesh face erase
Select faces which need to be deleted by drawing a polygon All faces that were selected by the defined polygon were deleted
IMG_256 IMG_256
Example: Mesh hole close
Locate the hole in the mesh and specify the edge Automatically interpolated and closed hole
IMG_256 IMG_256
Polyline Tools This section provides various tools for working with polylines and point clouds.
Drape Polyline Drapes your drawn polylines, points, etc., to point cloud points or 3D mesh surface.
Check 3D Polyline Check selected points and polyline breakpoints, cutting the point cloud at each end.
Fit 3D Polyline Joins selected polylines Z positions if their XZ coordinates are the same.
Example: Drape Polyline
Press Drape Polyline and select one of snapping options. Select polyline and press enter.
Object vertexes will be snapped to the point cloud points.
A blue and white building Description automatically generated with medium confidence
Example: Fit 3D polyline
Polyline XY coordinates are the same.
A screen shot of a computer screen Description automatically generated
First, select the base 3D polyline. Second, select the polyline you want the Z position to change. The second selected polyline was fit to match the first selection Z coordinates
A blue building with red lines and yellow lines Description automatically generated A building with a yellow z on it Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Image TAB

Ortho Creates raster images by specifying an area.
Settings: 5mm, Visible (Loaded) Points Settings: 5mm, Full Resolution points
A blue and black map Description automatically generated with medium confidence A blue light on a building Description automatically generated with medium confidence
Settings: 1mm, Full Resolution points Settings: 10mm, Full Resolution points
A black background with blue dots Description automatically generated A blue and black background with black dots Description automatically generated
Profile Generates profile image on plan view without changing UCS or view orientation.
Resolution mm Choose image resolution (1 to 100 millimeters).
Rendering source Choose to render from visible (loaded) or full-resolution point cloud points.
Calculate Distances Select ‘Yes’ to arrange points from the farthest to the closest based on their distance. Choose ‘No’ for random point selection.
Thickness Specify thickness for profile slice.
Example. Facade view without profile image Example. Facade view with profile image

Browser TAB

Sync Browser Locates Undet Browser view by clicking on point cloud point (snapping to pint cloud points needs to be turned on)
Create Pano Creates new 3D panorama view for Undet browser
Create Pano:

Difference between All and Shown

All – creates pano from all visible and hidden scan positions

Shown – creates pano from all visible scan positions

Creating Pano by picking an object:

Create an object (node – command “POINT”) where you want your pano view center to be created.

Press the Create Pano button -> choose all or shown -> select your object (or objects) -> enter radius (in meters) -> enter group name.

Your Pano is created, and you can find it in Undet Browser by selecting the new group category you just created.

Creating Pano by picking point:

Note: don’t forget to turn on snapping to point cloud when creating by picking a point

Press the Create Pano button -> choose all or shown -> snap picking point-to-point cloud or object -> enter radius (in meters) -> enter group name.

Your Pano is created, and you can find it in Undet Browser by selecting the new group category you just created.

Generate Report Generates Model Inspection QC report
Generate Report – generates model inspection QC report based on 360-degree scan station images in Undet Browser to ensure the accuracy of the 3D model.

A green building with red trim Description automatically generated

To generate the report:

  1. You will need to set Comparison Tolerance and Buffer in Coloring settings (User manual 7)

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  1. Turn your point cloud, 3D models and scan positions on.

A building with a ball in front of it Description automatically generated

  1. Click on Generate Report and adjust settings.

A screenshot of a report Description automatically generated

  1. Choose the scan positions you want to analyze and press enter twice.

Ares will generate 360 images by colouring and comparing them with your planes (floors, walls, ceilings, etc.)

A screenshot of a computer program Description automatically generated

  1. Go to the Undet browser and choose the newly created group.

A green building with red trim Description automatically generated

Help TAB

Getting started guide
A screenshot of a video Description automatically generated

In the Getting Started Guide, you will find video tutorials introducing the basics of Undet, tips & tricks to advanced features, FAQs, webinars and more. Also, you will discover Undet Support team contacts and the possibility to learn about other Undet products.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Got questions about Undet? Check out our FAQ section for answers to common queries. We address issues related to installation, compatibility, and troubleshooting. Contact our support team if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for.


Explore our extensive archive of past webinars. These recorded webinars cover various topics, from basic tutorials to advanced techniques, and are available to watch at your convenience.

By browsing our webinar archive, you can access valuable insights, tips, and demonstrations to help you make the most of Undet in your projects. We encourage you to explore this resource to enhance your skills and stay informed about the capabilities of our software.

Undet Support

Our dedicated support team can assist you with any challenges while using Undet. Contact us via the provided contact information, and we’ll be happy to help you resolve issues and provide guidance.

Explore Other Undet Products

Undet offers a range of innovative products beyond the scope of this guide. Visit our website to discover how these additional tools can complement your workflow and meet your specific needs.

User Manual:

This button will instantly open the Undet for Ares user manual web page. The user manual is a comprehensive resource that provides detailed guidance on how to use Undet for Ares, including step-by-step instructions, tips, and best practices. Whether new to the software or looking for specific information, the user manual is your go-to reference for mastering Undet for Ares.

A screenshot of a software Description automatically generated

In this section, you will find essential information about your Undet for Ares Commander version. You can check for and configure automatic updates to ensure you always use the latest and most efficient version of Undet for Ares Commander.

The “About” section also includes the License Manager, where you can access detailed information about your license and activation. For a comprehensive guide on activating your license, please refer to the ‘License Activation Procedure’.


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