Insert a point cloud from Trimble X7 into Trimble SketchUp

Finally, our Undet team got a chance to test the new Trimble X7 3D scanner. This time Trimble did a really great job. The new Perspective software with the X7 3D scanner work perfectly!

We did some test scanning (inside / outside) and in both cases the software registered all the scans into a single point cloud fully automatically during the scanning process. The first impression was that this solution is definitely user friendly and should probably be the first choice for those looking for to enter the 3D scanning industry.



“By the time we returned to the office after scanning we had already exported and uploaded an e57 file to Undet for SketchUp. Meaning we could start 3D modeling immediately based on the data we had just collected, because everything was registered automatically!” – Marius Putrimas, Undet Project Manager


Is it really as good as we say it is?

If this is going to be your first 3D scanner, the user-friendly workflow of the Trimble X7 and Perspective software will make your journey into the 3D scanning world both amazing and easy. If you are a 3D scanning expert, the main con will be scanning speed. If your typical scanning project includes up to 20 scanning stations – you will see a marked difference, but if you are planning to make hundreds of scans it may not be the best option if you want to collect data very quickly.
