TSP is a multidisciplinary solutions business with extensive engineering capabilities, a substantial portfolio of projects and a leading capability in delivering innovative solutions. With offices in York, Birmingham, Manchester and Reading and manufacturing facilities in Workington, we are responsible for designing, manufacturing and constructing major infrastructure projects in the UK.
Roger Thurston, Senior Data Processing Engineer reviews Undet for AutoCAD software showing how the survey department at TSP uses Undet to create a survey model from a point cloud data as part of a major project for Network Rail.
“Using Undet has helped us to improve our models and to reduce the time spent in creating them considerably, allowing us to reduce costs and improve on delivery times. The time spent in producing models is now typically 30% less than it was previously.” – Roger Thurston, Senior Data Processing Engineer

Tata Steel point cloud project
With Undet we can easily create classes and scan groups e.g. scans inside and outside the railway. This allows us to turn off areas of point cloud data that are not required and concentrate only on the area of interest. The resulting display is both quicker and more detailed.
The ease of handling within Undet when creating point cloud view sections has helped us to create models in a much more timely and efficient manner but the tool that has most impressed is the SmartBoard. With SmartBoard you can easily create profiles or cross sections with the required depth; an offset step can be managed. This can be useful for creating profile sections or measuring bridge heights.
Meshing and creating surfaces are also really quick and easy with this software. The parameters can be altered to create the surface to meet your needs. The True Scan View Navigation inside AutoCAD is another advantage of this software. You can easily check how accurate your model is compared to the scan view.
To sum up, the main value of this software is its efficiency and ease of use when working with point clouds in AutoCAD. You can save time and reduce costs on projects. A great and useful tool.

Tata Steel point cloud project