Undet for SketchUp


If you are working with point cloud data or just wondered how you might be able to work with it in SketchUp, then this webinar is for you!

Join us on the 26th of October, where Marius Putrimas, Undet product specialist, will unwrap and demonstrate all Undet for SketchUp plug-in features:

  • Point cloud project creation with Undet Indexer.
  • Advanced tools for viewing and working with slices & clipping boxes of 3D point cloud data to easily control the information you see in your model view.
  • Point cloud visualization tools to adjust colours & transparency.
  • Smart snapping tools to draw SketchUp objects by snapping to point cloud points.
  • Point cloud viewer – Undet Browser integration to understand & see better what the point cloud represents.
  • Coordinates system manager to move your point cloud quickly and align scan data to the 3D model.
  • Texturing tools to enrich the model by adding texture generated from the point cloud views.

Sketchup Point Cloud

The registration is closed. If you missed this session or just would like to watch it again, here is the recording.


Watch the video