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Undet shortcuts for ARES Commander

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Undet Browser makes your work in ARES Commander smoother with handy shortcuts. One key shortcut to remember is Ctrl + Shift + 1, which instantly switches clipping box grips for point cloud slicing. This integrated shortcut saves you time and makes your work more efficient.

Create Your Own Shortcuts:

You can create shortcuts if you have specific tasks or commands you frequently use. It’s easy to do:

  1. Open the CUI (Customize User Interface) in ARES Commander by tipping CUI in the command prompt.

  1. Go to the Keyboard section in the CUI.

  1. Press the [+] button and select Command Name from the drop-down menu.

You can set up custom keyboard shortcuts for Undet Browser functions or any other commands here.

Customize your shortcuts to match your work style and speed up your tasks in ARES Commander.

With integrated and custom shortcuts, Undet Browser gives you the power to work more conveniently and efficiently in ARES Commander.


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