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Undet Texturing toolbar

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[Texture from full-resolution points] – Applies texture using full resolution point cloud points to the selected plane. The command is inactive if no plane is selected.
[Texture from visible points] – Applies texture using visible point cloud points to the selected plane. The command is inactive if no plane is selected.
[Multi planes texturing tool] – Applies textures to the selected multiple planes, rendering the color of the point cloud with the selected buffer.
Resolution mm Texture pixels: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100.
Calculate Distances Yes – Selects furthest point cloud points to the plane of the clipping box.
No – Selects closest point cloud points to the plane of the clipping box.
Transparent Yes – makes transparent backround of selected plane.
No – makes white backround of selected plane.

Example of full resolution texturing:

If “Full Points” slider is active then always textures all point cloud points on the selected object.

Example of visible points texturing:

Textures only visible point cloud points on the selected object, depends points visibility status on the density settings.

Watch a video below that shows more about Undet Texturing

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