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Graphical User Interface and Control
Undet Browser (point cloud viewer)
Undet Browser is standalone software, that connects your 3D point cloud files from UNDET project or the FARO SCENE Webshare Cloud service, allowing you to view objects or situations in clearly understandable full-resolution panoramic images.
How to run Undet Browser software:
Step 1. After installation, you will find the Undet browser app launching file in the Windows Start Menu.
Step 2. Once you open the Undet Browser program, you will see a login screen, here you can choose which data source to use:
A. Local UNDET project, to load and use it, you need to select your UNDET project *.ipcp file.
2. The second option, to use the FARO SCENE Webshare Cloud Service, you need to enter your FARO account details.
- Server name („Server“); | (for example: https://yourserver. websharecloud.com)
- User login („Login“); | (for example: your loginID)
- User password („Password“); | (for example: your password)
Undet Browser User Interface – Top Toolbar
NOTE: Several functions can be enabled at the same time.
Moves between action history (Back / Forward). [Log out] – Log out to select a new project. [Refresh] – Refresh browser view. [Draw Points] – Enables / disables function to place point in the CAD model by clicking in Panoramic Scan View. [Add Annotations] – Enables / disables function to add an annotation in Panoramic Scan View (only Webshare Cloud users). [Add Herfs] – Enables / disables function to add a hyperlink to Panoramic Scan View screenshot when selecting 3D point in CAD model. [Translate View Section] – Enables / disables function to update Undet Clipping Box location by clicking in panoramic scan view. [Change Elevation] – Enables / disables function to assign Z value to draw new CAD object (line, polyline). [Script] – Enables / disables to use written script. [Settings]- Script settings dialogue to set the script you want to use. [Scripting list] – Compilation of scripts for annotations. [Z Offset] – Allows you to adjust the annotations you’ve input by a specific Z value. [Always on top] – Enables / disables “Always on top” windows mode. [About] – Undet Browser version/update information. [Help] – Link to Undet Browser user knowledge base.
Mini Map – a feature that allows you to view the scan locations of the entire project and current scan view direction. Click on it to enlarge.
Undet Browser Settings
Enabling point snapping and entering a specific mm value will enable you to select where to insert the point (nearest, minimum, or maximum).
To learn about Amazon S3 integration with Undet Browser please visit:
Add, remove and move beetween scripts
All instructions on how to use pre-built scripts and create custom scripts in Undet Browser are available in this comprehensive video tutorial. This tutorials provides step-by-step visual guidance, making it easier to understand and leverage the powerful scripting capabilities of Undet Browser.
Use Undet Browser scripts to automate annotation workflow in ARES Commander
Use Undet Browser scripts to automate annotation workflow in AutoCAD
Undet Browser Side Toolbar
Right Mouse Click Tools
- Click here to see general features
- Click here to see Undet Browser features for ARES Commander users.
Click here to see Undet Browser features for AutoCAD users.
Click here to see Undet Browser features for Revit users.
Click here to see Undet Browser features for SketchUp users:
Updated 27-02-2022