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Mastering point cloud clipping with advanced settings

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This advanced tutorial demonstrates how to use additional tools and settings to manage point cloud clipping, allowing viewers to achieve greater control in their point cloud projects.

Undet software offers a range of advanced tools and settings for clipping point clouds, allowing users to extract specific areas or sections of the point cloud data with precision and efficiency.

One of the main tools is the “Clip by Rectangle” tool, which enables users to define a rectangular area to clip from the point cloud. Additionally, users can align the clipping box to the point cloud using the “rotate” command, allowing them to change the orientation of the clipping box.

Another tool available is the “Clip by Line” tool, which allows users to create sections or slices of the point cloud data. Users can define the thickness of the section and choose whether to rotate the view of the point cloud.

Undet software also provides the “Clip Inside” and “Clip Outside” features. The “Clip Inside” feature allows users to eliminate specific parts of the point cloud by selecting them. On the other hand, the “Clip Outside” feature enables users to keep only the selected area and remove the rest of the point cloud.

Undet software allows users to rename and duplicate clipping sections to organize the clipping boxes effectively. Users can also export the point clouds inside the active view section as separate files, providing flexibility in data management. Additionally, unwanted sections can be quickly deleted to maintain a clean and organized project.


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