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Operating speed statistics for surface analysis tools

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Analysis of all components using Auto by Filter selection of 898 components
Analysis time:
10 minutes 2 hours 20 minutes 37 hours
GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Decimated preview points (5%)

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Preview points GRID

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

All points

Undet project size:

Scan stations:

Project type:

Preview point counts:

All point counts:

56.8 GB

315 scan stations

Buildings, Infrastructure objects, plants

78 923 032 (79 mil. points)

2 408 127 496 (2408 points)

Filter selection options (898 components)

Technical specifications of the used laptop computer:

Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz (12 CPUs), ~2.9GHz

Memory: 16GB RAM

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design

HDDModel: Samsung SSD 960 EVO 1TB

Analysis of all walls using Auto by Filter selection of 468 components
Analysis time:
2.5 minutes 40 minutes 8 hours 30 minutes
GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Decimated preview points (5%)

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Preview points GRID (3x3cm)

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

All points

Undet project size:

Scan stations:

Project type:

Preview point counts:

All point counts:

56.8 GB

315 scan stations

Buildings, Infrastructure objects, plants

78 923 032 (79 mil. points)

2 408 127 496 (2408 mil. points)

Filter selection options (only walls) 468 components

Technical specifications of the used laptop computer:

Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz (12 CPUs), ~2.9GHz

Memory: 16GB RAM

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design

HDDModel: Samsung SSD 960 EVO 1TB

Manual wall selection by Single Face (seventh face)
Analysis time:
First face: 1 sec.

Second face: 1 sec.

Third face: 1 sec.

Fourth face: 1 sec.

Fifth face: 1 sec.

Sixth face: 1 sec.

First face: 6 sec.

Second face: 9 sec.

Third face: 10 sec.

Fourth face: 10 sec.

Fifth face: 14 sec.

Sixth face: 14 sec.

First face: 1 min. 36 sec.

Second face: 47 sec.

Third face: 55 sec.

Fourth face: 47 sec.

Fifth face: 2 min. 36 sec.

Sixth face: 18 sec.

Seventh face: 19 sec.

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Decimated preview points (5%)

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Preview points GRID (3x3cm)

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

All points

The analysis of the first plane can take longer than the others because the subsequent planes do not need to load analysis data again.
Undet project size:

Scan stations:

Project type:

Preview point counts:

All point counts:

56.8 GB

315 scan stations

Buildings, Infrastructure objects, plants

78 923 032 (79 mil. points)

2 408 127 496 (2408 mil. points)

Technical specifications of the used laptop computer:

Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz (12 CPUs), ~2.9GHz

Memory: 16GB RAM

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design

HDDModel: Samsung SSD 960 EVO 1TB

Multiple walls selection by Multiple Faces (seventh faces)
Analysis time:
2 sec. 27 sec. 6 min. 36 sec.
GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Decimated preview points (5%)

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Preview points GRID (3x3cm)

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

All points

Undet project size:

Scan stations:

Project type:

Preview point counts:

All point counts:

56.8 GB

315 scan stations

Buildings, Infrastructure objects, plants

78 923 032 (79 mil. points)

2 408 127 496 (2408 mil. points)

Created analysis load time on other PCs without Undet project
Load time:
2.5 sec. 13 sec. 6 min. 30 sec.
GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Preview points GRID (3x3cm)

1 wall face:

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Preview points GRID (3x3cm)

7 wall faces:

GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Preview points GRID (3x3cm)

All building walls (outside – inside)

All components (walls, doors, ceiling, floors…. 989 pcs.)
GRID size 30mm

Mode (default)

Preview points GRID (3x3cm)

Load time:

26 min.

Initial data:

Undet project size:

Scan stations:

Project type:

Preview point counts:

All point counts:

56.8 GB

315 scan stations

Buildings, Infrastructure objects, plants

78 923 032 (79 mil. points)

2 408 127 496 (2408 mil. points)

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