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License Purchase Procedure Online

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Purchasing licenses for ARES Commander, either as a Software Suite with Undet or as an individual software with the Undet point cloud plugin, is straightforward. There are two possible ways to obtain a license:

  • Contact our sales team at info@undet.com
  • Alternatively, you can order your license via the online store.

Note: If you need more than one license, we recommend that you contact our sales team to simplify the license activation process.

Software Suite: ARES Commander + Undet

Step 1: To order a software suite license, first, you need to choose the license subscription option that fits you best: click here to choose the license option.

Screens screenshot of a software suite Description automatically generated

Step 2: You must fill in your billing and payment details to continue the purchase process. Also, you can choose different currencies for payment, but the main payment currency is in EUR so that currency exchange fees may apply.

Also, it should be aware that different payment methods have different validation times. Instant validation is available by using a credit card or PayPal payment. Wire transfer may take up to 1-3 business days.

Note: The amount of TAX will be shown when you fill in your company details, including the VAT number.

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Step 3: To receive activation codes, you need to fill in your computer identification values (SITE code and MID5), which can be found in the Undet license manager. How to find SITE and MID5 codes in ARES Commander can be found here: https://www.undet.com/knowledge-base/where-can-i-find-site-and-mid-codes-in-ares-commander/

Note: If you can’t find the codes required to generate a license, please get in touch with our sales team.

Step 4: License Information. After successfully placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation with a license certificate that includes your Undet for ARES Commander plugin license information. Activation codes for ARES Commander license will be sent in next business day.
Step 5: Activate Your Licenses

To activate your Undet for ARES Commander license, Enter an activation code into the license manager and press Continue >>. Click here (reikės įdėti linką, kai jau viskas bus webe) to follow detailed instructions on how to activate your Undet license.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
To activate the ARES Commander license, first, you need to open the Start Page of the ARES Commander.

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Choose option “Activate Permission Key”

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Select “Specify Permission Key”

A screenshot of a computer program Description automatically generated

Enter Permission Key of 16 digits (example: 0000-0000-0000-0000), and select VALIDATE PERMISSION KEY.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Undet Point Cloud Plugin for ARES Commander

Step 1: To order Undet for ARES Commander, first you need to choose the license subscription option that fits you best: click here to choose the license option.

Screens screenshot of a software suite Description automatically generated

Step 2: You will need to fill in your billing and payment details to continue the purchase process. Also, you are able to choose different currencies for payment, but the main payment currency is in EUR, so currency exchange fees may apply.

Also, it should be aware that different payment methods have different validation times. Instant validation is available by using a credit card or PayPal payment. Wire transfer may take up to 1-3 business days.

Note: The amount of TAX will be shown when you fill in your company details, including the VAT number.

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Step 3: To receive activation codes, you need to fill in your computer identification codes (SITE code and MID5), which can be found in Undet license manager. How to find SITE and MID5 codes in ARES Commander can be found here: https://www.undet.com/knowledge-base/where-can-i-find-site-and-mid-codes-in-ares-commander/

Note: If you can’t find the codes required for to generate a license, please contact our sales team.

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Step 4: License Information. After successfully placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation with a license certificate that includes your Undet for ARES Commander plugin license information.
Step 5: Activate Your Licenses

To activate your Undet for ARES Commander license, you will need to Enter an activation code into the license manager and press Continue >>. Click here to follow detailed instructions on how to activate your Undet license.

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