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How to create a model inspection report based on Undet Browser

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Model Inspection QC Report feature

After clicking on ‘Model Inspection QC Report, ‘ the settings dialogue will open.

Comparison Tolerance +- Applies a green colour to regions within the specified tolerance range.
Comparison buffer Specifies the maximum distance to be coloured.
Minimum Face Area (m²) The minimum acceptable surface area for detected faces (recommended to maintain the default setting unless specific requirements or circumstances necessitate adjusting it)
Sampling Step (pixels): This affects the details of the QC image used for model checking. A smaller step size, such as 1 pixel, increases the resolution of the generated image but also increases the verification time; therefore, the recommended values for the sampling step (pixels) – 3.

After configuring your settings, click ‘OK,’ choose the scan positions (triangles) to generate the report, and click ‘Finish’ to complete the process.

After generating 3D QC reports, the processing time may vary based on your selected settings. Once the QC report generation is completed, open the Undet Browser.

In the Undet Browser, the recently generated QC report can be located at the bottom of the Group Selection tab.

Check out this brief video guide that walks you through the workings of this function and highlights the numerous possibilities it holds:

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