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How to set up Undet point cloud project in Revit

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1. Creating a New Project:

  • Open a new project in Revit.

  • Navigate to the “Undet” ribbon.
  • Click on “Add Slice” to open the Slice Manager.

2. Loading Point Cloud:

  • Click on “Set Project” to choose an existing Undet project or Create a new one by opening a standalone Undet project creator (Indexer).
  • Define the insert point, using undefined coordinates, site coordinates, or last used/modified Undet coordinates.

3. Previewing Point Cloud:

  • Go to the site plan.
  • Click “Preview” for a low-quality image indicating the Point Cloud’s location and orientation.

4. Orienting the Point Cloud: (this step may be skipped)

NOTE. We always recommend using the original point cloud guidance if it is accurate.

But if you want to change the point cloud position, you can use the Undet move tool:

Also, you can change point cloud orientation using a reference line and the “Undet Rotate” tool.

Access “Undet Rotate” and define the center of rotation and end of rotation by snapping to detail line ends.

Rotate to the horizontal plane, then delete the line.

Center the Point Cloud using the move tool.

5. Setting Up Levels:

  • Create a section cutting through the building.

  • Click “Preview” to check the elevation of the Point Cloud.

  • Adjust levels to match the actual building levels. (First, you will need to improve image quality)
    • In the Slice Manager, choose Center View and a resolution.
    • Click “Define Area” and set it over the preview image.

    • Manage raster images in the Raster Manager.

  • Adjust levels based on the clear lines visible in the Slice Manager.

You’re ready to start modelling in Revit using the loaded Point Cloud.

TIP: After completing manual alignment and closing the project, ALWAYS select ‘Adjust to the last used & modified UNDET coordinates’ when reopening the project.

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