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Analysis block

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 Model Inspection QC Report

After clicking on ‘Model Inspection QC Report, ‘ the settings dialogue will open.

Comparison Tolerance +- Applies a green colour to regions within the specified tolerance range.
Comparison buffer Specifies the maximum distance to be coloured.
Minimum Face Area (m²) The minimum acceptable surface area for detected faces (recommended to maintain the default setting unless specific requirements or circumstances necessitate adjusting it)
Sampling Step (pixels): This affects the details of the QC image used for model checking. A smaller step size, such as 1 pixel, increases the resolution of the generated image and the verification time; therefore, the recommended values for the sampling step (pixels) – 3.

After configuring your settings, click ‘OK,’ choose the scan positions (triangles) to generate the report, and click ‘Finish’ to complete the process.

After generating 3D QC reports, the processing time may vary based on your selected settings. Once the QC report is completed, open the Undet Browser.

In the Undet Browser, the recently generated QC report can be located at the bottom of the Group Selection tab.

Check out this brief video guide that walks you through the workings of this function and highlights the numerous possibilities it holds:

Create Views Tool

Create 2D views for each element in the project.  

Click on the ‘Create Views’ tool and then select the objects you want to use to generate 2D views and press ‘OK’ (Doors will be selected for this example).

After pressing ‘OK,’ 2D models of the selected elements will be generated from the top, side, and front views.

To generate raster images for created elements, follow these steps:

  1. Open one of the elements.
  2. Navigate to ‘Coordination’.
  3. Select the elements to generate raster images (use ‘Shift’ for quick selection).

Next, use the Slice Manager to generate raster images for the selected elements.

The process will create raster images for each selected element sequentially, one by one.


Surface analysis tools

Surface analysis tools will let you check and visualize model accuracy and scan station registration (compare the created Model with point cloud data). The created analysis will stay in a Revit file. To review the analysis on other PCs, you must have installed Undet for Revit plug-in, but plug-in can be done without an activated license.
[Model Inspection QC Report] – Generates Model Inspection QC Report based on 360-degree scan station images in Undet Browser to ensure the accuracy of your 3D Model.*
[Create Views] – Create 2D views for each element in the project.
[Analyse] – opens main surface analysis tools dialogue*.
[Load] – load created analysis into Model.
[Delete] – delete the created analysis database; after the database is deleted, you cannot load the created analysis.
[Edit style] – opens analysis display settings.

* The Analyse tool is active only when loaded with the Undet project in the Undet Slice dialogue.

Analyse dialog

| Surface analysis settings & selection | Grid Size – select the GRID cell to divide planes of the Revit model (components) to calculate surface analysis.
Depth Inside – set maximum inside depth from Revit model (components) planes to analyze deviations.
Depth Outside – set maximum outside depth from Revit model (components) planes to analyze deviations.
Calculation Method – choose a surface analysis method; in most cases, the “Mode” method is the best selection.
Data Source – select data source (point cloud density), which will be used to analyze the Model.

Step – Allowed Step from Model displayed in green.

Weight – 

Do Surface Analysis – Check to visualize model accuracy.

Host – select model part types which will be used to analyze.
Orientation – choose the orientation of model parts to analyze (e.g., floors – horizontal, walls vertical, etc.)
Select all – Auto-selection of all host & orientation options
Single face – select and analyze single model face
Multiple face – select and analyze multiple model faces
Auto by Filter – auto-select and analyze Model by filter option
Cancel – closes surface analysis dialogue

Example with different GRID sizes:

GRID size 10-30mm


(example with 10mm GRID size)

Source: All points

GRID size 30mm


(example with 30mm GRID size)
Source: All points

GRID size 30-60mm


(example with 60mm GRID size)

Source: All points

Suitable for high-density scans to evaluate very detailed deformations. A trade-off between speed and accuracy. Recommended size. The calculations are faster, but only significant- rough deviations can be estimated.
Note: GRID size is critical when using decimated or all preview GRID points because the source point cloud data (points) will be less dense than the analyzed GRID step; it may create an incorrect analysis view (low reliability). If you are using all points, it will affect only speed and detailed view.
If your Undet project type: Detailed scanned objects


The preview points grid is 1 x 1 cm. Please select GIRD size 30mm or use all points for analysis.

If your Undet project type: Buildings, Infrastructure, plants


Preview points grid is 3 x 3 cm

Please select GIRD size 60mm-> or use all points for analysis.

Explanation of Inside – Outside depth interval selection

Set Inside-outside depth is needed to optimize calculation speed, depending on your expected deformation size.

Multiple Face selection

Selection using the Multiple face command must be confirmed by pressing the “Finish” command. Selection works only for objects checked in the filter section of the analysis settings (Surface Analysis Options).

1. Select multiple objects with rectangles by filter options.

2. Click “Finish” to start analysis calculations

Surface Analysis Calculation Methods

Mode (default) – “Mode” selection often uses point cloud points in the selected GRID cell to calculate & visualize surface analysis. This is the default setting for calculating surface analysis.
Minimum – “Minimum” selection uses first point cloud points in the selected GRID cell to calculate & visualize surface analysis.
Maximum – The “Maximum” selection uses the last point cloud points in the selected GRID cell to calculate & visualize surface analysis.
Random – “Random” selection uses random point cloud points in the selected GRID cell to calculate & visualize surface analysis.
Average – “Average” selection uses average point cloud points in the selected GRID cell to calculate & visualize surface analysis.
StdDev – The “StdDev” selection uses point cloud points by selecting them according to standard deviation in the selected GRID cell to calculate & visualize surface analysis.
Count – “Count” selection analyzes & visualizes selected GRID cells whether they contain scan data.
Delta – The “Delta” selection uses the difference between the Minimum and Maximum point cloud points in the selected GRID cell to calculate & visualize surface analysis.
Scan Diff The “Scan Diff” selection analyzes individual scan position points in the selected GRID cell to show the maximum difference between scan position data and see scan station alignment errors.
Scan Overlap – The “Scan Overlap” selection analyzes & visualizes how much different scan positions data is in the selected GRID cell.

Results example with different calculation methods:

Panoramic view from scan station
Mode (default). Source: all points
Count. Source: all points. A non-green spot means these elements are not modelled or have no scan data covering.
Scan DIFF. Source: all points. Green spots mean that scan station registration (alignment) is done correctly.

Data source selection

Decimated points – Choose to analyze the model. The model decimated point cloud preview points (default density is 5%, which can be adjusted in the Undet Slice dialogue). (Fast performance, suitable for quick analysis of the model)Model
Preview Points – Choice to analyze model Mode all point cloud preview points GRID (Building type project type preview points grid 3x3cm) (Moderate performance, suitable for detail analysis of the model)
Points – Choose to analyze the model. Model all point cloud points. (Slow performance, suitable for very detailed analysis of the model parts)

Results example with different data sources:

Decimated points (~5% of preview points density; decimation rate can be adjusted 1-100%)
Preview points GRID (Buildings type project preview GRID 3cm x 3cm)
All points

Edit style dialog

In this dialogue, you can edit and customize surface analysis display styles. Colour ranges can be customized to meet target tolerances and needs.

Already prepared analysis display styles:

Count – Choice to analyze the model Modeling different scanning stations
Gradient – Gradient colouring range to analyze model accuracy (Blue – Red).
RCIS_BLUE_RED – Choose to analyze model accuracy according to RICS (Practice Standards) requirements; Color range: Individual Bar Charts (Blue – Red).
RCIS_CDE – Choose to analyze model accuracy according to RICS (Practice Standards) requirements; Color range: Individual Bar Charts (Red – Green – Red).
Undet (default) – The default colouring range is used to analyze model accuracy using Undet’s client’s best practices.
USIBD -Choice to analyze model accuracy by USIBD (U.S. Institute of building documentation) requirements; Color range: Individual Bar Charts (Red – Green – Red).
USIBD_BLUE_RED Choice to analyze model accuracy by USIBD (U.S. Institute of building documentation) requirements; Color range: Individual Bar Charts (Blue – Red).
RCIS_CDE style colouring intervals USIBD_BLUE_RED style colouring intervals

Select/change analysis display styles

To change the surface analysis display style in the Revit properties menu, click Analysis Display Settings Edit…

In Analysis Results Settings, you can control the visibility of individual analyses and change the analysis display style (Count; Gradient; RCIS_BLUE_RED; RCIS_CDE; Undet (default); USIBD; USIBD_BLUE_RED)


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