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Undet project creation tutorial

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Undet database has double-file structure Preview points and Full points. Selecting the right project type speeds up the indexing process, without losing full point cloud points and affects only the preview view. Preview points are creating from all imported scan data by using GRID, which size depends on the selected project type. The default GRID size for each project is chosen for optimal indexing speed and faster preview navigation to find a place to load all points using the “clipping box or view section”.

Undet loads all points in the “clipping box or view section” when point count is less maximum point count. The maximum point count can be set manually in each Undet solution according to your system hardware parameters. If your clipping box is too big to load all points you will see only preview points.

Created Undet projects can be used with all Undet solutions:

1. Select project type based on your scan data set 

Monuments, buildings & interiors modelling projects (The most common choice for small detailed objects such as monuments, parts of buildings or areas with a footprint up to 100m2)
Infrastructure objects, larger buildings & landscape modelling projects (The most common choice for terrestrial scanners)
Large scale topography & corridor mapping projects (The most common choice for infrastructure projects)
Large scale airborne LIDAR data management and analysis projects (The most common choice for large airborne LiDAR projects)

Selecting the right project type speeds up the indexing process, without losing full point cloud points and affects only the preview view.

Default “max point count” settings of Undet product:

Undet for SketchUp Default: 16 million points (can be adjusted with 32, 48, or 64 buttons, or set to custom)
Undet for AutoCAD Fixed size 8 million points
Undet for Ares Commander Default: 16 million points (can be adjusted with 32, 48, or 64 buttons, or set to custom)
Undet for Revit No limitations, Raster image are creating from all points

Increasing the point cloud’s maximum point count can slow down loading times, impact tool performance, and even cause the program to crash. If the point cloud starts to lag or load slowly, it’s recommended to reduce the maximum point count to improve speed, efficiency, and prevent crashes. Adjusting this setting ensures smoother performance when working with large point clouds.

Examples with different project GRID

Large scale airborne LIDAR data management and analysis projects
Preview points All points loaded with clipping box (view section)
Large scale topography & corridor mapping projects
Preview points All points loaded with clipping box (view section)
Infrastructure objects, larger buildings & landscape modelling projects
Preview points All points loaded with clipping box (view section)
Monuments, buildings & interiors modelling projects
Preview points All points loaded with clipping box (view section)
Zoomed view (Preview points) Zoomed view (All points loaded with clipping box)

2. Scan data file import

To create Undet project you need to import scan data files from your local pc or network drive.
Supported formats: *.E57, *.RCP/RCS, *.PLY, *.FLS, *.ZFS, *.LAS, *.LAZ, *.PTS, *.PTX, *.DP, *.FPR, *.LSPROJ, *.FWS, *.CL3, *.CLR, *.RSP, ASCII / NEZ (X,Y,Z/i/RGB) and custom ASCII / TXT file format import.

Import scan data press [Add Files] action button and select your point cloud data files.


– You can mix different file formats to create a single project (as for an example: Terrestrial scan data *.e57 files and UAV roof data *.LAS file format.). Just all scan data files should be registered and on the same scale and coordinate system.
– Undet keeps initial point cloud structure and dimensions (scale).
– If you are indexing scan data files in large / state coordinate system (as an example UAV, Airborne LiDAR) in all Undet plugins, there are “coordinate system transformation” tools.

3. Grouping

Imported scan data files can be grouped into logical groups (inside, outside, 1st floor…), using [Create Group] action button.

The created group can be renamed at any time. Later on, you will be able to manage visibility for each group with a single click (As an example: if you want to get clear building elevation view you need to disable inside scans)

– You can skip the grouping step because you will be able to group or regroup data files in already created Undet project when it is loaded into one of our Undet solutions.

4. Create Undet project

When all scan data files are imported. Click [Create Project] action button to start the indexing project.

Once [Create Project] action button clicked you need to accept to Undet Project settings(selection by default it’s recommended). Learn more about Undet Indexer advanced settings.

After Undet Project settings accepted you will need to locate where to save the Undet project.

Undet does not support Unicode characters (@#$%!^&*абвдгж…) in path and in project name, please avoid these symbols.
– The indexing process may take couple minutes or a couple of hours to proceed, it depends on project type and amount of scan data files size.
– To create Undet project you need triple size on your HARD DRIVE according to your scan data file size.  As an example: scan data files size (20 pcs. of *. e57 files 10GB), so you will need 30GB free disk space. 

5. Created Undet project

When the project is successfully created in your selected location you will find IPCP file with the same name folder. These files are Undet project and should be kept together. 

– The project name can’t be changed using “rename” function.
– Undet does not support Unicode characters (@#$%!^&*абвдгж…) in path and in project name, please avoid these symbols.

Any problems while creating Undet project please contact us. 

Updated 19-02-2022


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