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 [Axis] – Creates point type object snapping to point cloud and allows you to set axes start point.
 [Auto Axis] – Automatically sets axis to selected vertical point cloud plane.
[Point] – Creates point type object snapping to point cloud.
[Feature Extraction] – Opens automatic feature extraction settings.
[Profile Builder] – Automatically creates a plane for the drawn line, according to which the point cloud is cut and the camera view is orientated to draw a profile.
[Box] – Extracts box object by selecting 2 point cloud planes.
[Space/Volume extraction] – Creates a volume of a space from a point cloud by clicking on the floor level and selecting the wall planes to extract the outline.
[Horizontal fitting] – fits horizontal plane to point cloud.
[Actual plane fitting] – fits plane to point cloud.
 [Circle] – Automatically creates and fits circle on point cloud section.
[Mesh] – creates terrain in whole clipped point cloud.
[View Sync] – Locates Undet Browser view by picking a point cloud point.
[Model inspection QC Report] – Generates model inspection QC report based on a 360-degree scan station images in Undet Browser.

Automatic feature extraction settings

Step size sliders Step size value should be 3-5x bigger than point cloud density (distance between neighboring points).  
A Bigger step means, a bigger distance between point cloud points for plane extraction. By selecting a bigger value, you will be able to extract large planes (for example: walls, columns, roof plane windows frames).
A Smaller step means, a smaller distance between point cloud points for plane extraction. By selecting a small value, you will be able to extract smaller planes (for example: windows frames, door frames).
Auto Detect If a check mark is placed and no plane is found on the marked point, then 0.5 meters is added to the current step until the plane is recognized. If step size is greater than 10 meters, the process is terminated.
Resets step size to default.
Curvature Tolerance slider If the surface is bumpy or curvy by increasing tolerance you will be able to create a detailed mesh and capture small bumps and curves.
Keep Vertical If a check mark is placed means that the extracted plane will stay in the vertical position.
[Find Plane] – Select initial point location to extract plane.
[Fit Selected Plane] – The selected plane is drawn to the selected point cloud point. The command is inactive if no plane is selected. For this function it is mandatory to use a check mark on Keep Vertical, otherwise your selected geometry could be splitted.
[Extrude Selected Plane] – Extrudes the selected plane to the selected single pointcloud point. The command is inactive if no plane is selected.
[Fit Corner Line] – Extracts a corner line between point cloud planes, by selecting click1 and click2.
[Scale] – Extracted plane scale function.
[Rotate] Extracted plane rotate function.
[Push/Pull] – Extracted plane press&pull function.
[Convert to Mesh] – Finds and creates surface mesh according to extracted plane. The command is inactive if no plane is selected.

Watch a video below that shows more on automated extraction and meshing.


Example: Extrude Selected Plane


Example: Fit Selected Plane

Example: Plane Recognition settings

Well recognized plane (Step size 0.04 m) Badly recognized plane (Step size 0.24 m)

Example: Surface creation with small step size

(Step size 0.34 m)


(Step size 0.34 m) increased “Curvature tolerance”


Detailed ground mesh created until first bigger bump Detailed ground mesh created in all areas

Example: Surface creation with bigger step size. A Bigger step means a more decimated mesh without small bumps and curves.

(Step size 1.34 m)


(Step size 1.34 m)


Detailed ground mesh created until first bigger bump Detailed ground mesh created in all areas
A ground surface mesh can be created from an unclassfied point cloud
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