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Warnings block

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Warning Manager in Undet for Revit

  1. Accessing Warning Manager:
    • Navigate to the Undet tab in Revit.
    • Click on Warning Manager to open the tool.
  2. Understanding the Interface:
    • The Warning Manager window displays a list of all warnings in your project.
    • Warnings that can be automatically resolved are marked in green.
    • You can view warnings for either the active view or the entire project.

Viewing and Isolating Warnings

  1. Check and Uncheck All Warnings:
    • Use the Check All and Uncheck All options to select or deselect all warnings simultaneously.
  2. Refresh Warnings:
    • If you’ve recently synced the project from the Central Files or made changes, click Refresh to update the list of warnings.
  3. Isolate and Section Box:
    • Select a warning from the list.
    • Click Section Box to create a section box around the elements causing the issue.
    • Click Isolate to isolate only the elements causing the problem. This helps you see the issue clearly without interference from other components.

Resolving Warnings

  1. Automatic Resolution:
    • Select the warnings you want to resolve automatically.
    • Click Resolve Check. The tool will attempt to fix the selected warnings by deleting duplicate elements or modifying properties as needed.
    • The tool will inform you of the number of elements deleted or modified.
  2. Manual Resolution:
    • For warnings that require manual intervention, use the Section Box and Isolate features to identify and fix the issues directly in your Revit model.

Exporting Warnings

  • Export to CSV:
    • Export all warnings into a CSV file for further analysis or record-keeping. This feature works similarly to the standard warning manager in Revit.

For a full tutorial on how to use Undet Warning Manager, watch the video below:

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